Wikiloc for iphone
It took us a while, but we've got ready our shiny new iphone application!!!
More and more you, outdoors lovers, get out there to practice your favourite sport with your favourite gadget to track your outings and share them with your friends afterwards. But we know that you always also carry your smartphone with you, and sometimes 2 devices is one device too many. Here's where the Wikiloc iphone app comes into play! With the new app you will be able ditch your heavy GPS and still track those amazing hiking routes you discover every weekend!
So, what exactly can I do with the app?
The Wikiloc app is a route tracker. This means it uses the iphone's built-in GPS to track your location, show it to you on a Google map and then store it so you can upload the full track into your Wikiloc account. So this will be very useful for any type of outdoor activities, but specially for the hikers, runners, bikers and all those who like to travel light. Another important feature is that you can take photos on the go and they will be uploaded together with the track.
Here's some details on the features you can find in the app:
- Record your activities on the go and upload them to Wikiloc
- Take photos and upload them into the trail on Wikiloc
- Get stats (distance, speed, elevation,...) of the track
- Store your tracks on your phone for later upload
- Block the phone and keep it recording the trail
We have built the application following the 'Wikiloc philosophy': make it useful, make it simple. There are no instructions, nor a million configuration options. Just install it and start recording your activities. It's that simple!
Remember also that if you have your Wikiloc account connected to your Facebook profile, the trail you have just done and uploaded into your account will show up on your Facebook wall instantly. Let the world know you worked out hard!
And last, but not least, the Wikiloc app is free!! So go get it on the app store and let us know how do you like it!
If you have any suggestions for improvements or have uncovered any bugs, head over to the forum and leave there some feedback for us. We have improvements coming up but we'd like to know what's important for you to get it done first!
Download the Wikiloc iphone App now!

Enhorabona! por vuestro constante espíritu de superación.
Gracies Mikel! Ahí estamos, siempre al pié del cañón!
Would it be possible to have a wikiloc Android adrian application too in a near future?
Stefano, we are working on the Android's version of the application. Stay tuned!
Can i download wikiloc tracks from other users and follow them with this app or another one?
Felipe, yes, the base app is free and there is an optional module that you can purchase within the app and will let you do that.
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