Sunday, February 04, 2007

Search GPS tracks and waypoints with Google Earth

I've just added a new feature to Wikiloc: a KML feed for Google Earth that let you explore the world discovering GPS tracks, routes or waypoints while you fly around in 3D. Basically think in a 3D browser for Wikiloc.

If you want to check it out by yourself just open Wikiloc's KML Feed, fly to an area of your interest and stop moving for about 2 seconds, if there are GPS tracklogs and waypoints within the area you're viewing, they'll start to show up.

If you click on the icons you'll see elevation profiles, images and descriptions for the track or point of interest.

It's beta (of course) so please let me know whatever suggestion you have or things you like or dislike, that will help me evolve this feature to a better one for all of us. Thanks!

[UPDATE]: This link is no longer active since you can access all the trails in Wikiloc directly from Google Earth, +info:


pepedurantez said...

La dirección: ""

ya no funciona. ¿Alguna solución?

Jordi Lopez Ramot said...

Hola Pepe, efectivamente el enlace está deshabilitado por dos razones una técnica (sobrecargas de servidores) y la principal porque Google Earth ya muestra de forma destacada las rutas de wikiloc directamente y de forma mucho más rápida:

Un saludo y gracias, modifico el post para dejar constancia de esto.
