Tuesday, April 06, 2010

160.000 trails and new server

Today April 7th is Wikiloc's birthday (and mine too :) and the present for Wikiloc has been a much more powerful i7 server. The old server was almost melting during traffic peaks and it deserved a break after all these years of good service.

I hope you'll enjoy browsing trails in wikiloc.com much faster from now on.

To date you and me together with almost 130,000 other users have shared already more than 162,000 trails with beautiful photos taken along the trail (249,402 so far).

Now you can likely find an outdoor trail almost anywhere you visit like hiking or mountain biking in Easter Island (Rapa Nui), walking among penguins in Antartica or taking an off-road trip to watch a volcano eruption in Iceland

We're growing fast in around 9,000 new trails per month and enjoying a lot working on the project. More improvements that you've suggested are in the pipe and will go online soon. Stay tuned!



Constantin Gabor said...

Thank you for this great service, Jordy!
Happy birthday!

Jordi Lopez Ramot said...

Thanks much Constantin! :)

Flávio Ferreira said...

Well done Jordi, a excelent work.


Jordi Lopez Ramot said...

Hi Flávio, there are many improvements ongoing, wikiloc is a permanent 'work in progress' :) and knowing that is useful is a great motivation to work on it. Thanks!

Joan Baraldes said...

Moltes gràcies per la teva feina.

Tinc un projecte i voldria demanar-te consell.
M'agradaria ressenyar la ruta del Llobregat. des del seu naixement fins el mar.
Jo tinc molt clar per on passaria el millor recorregut a la zona de Sant Fruitós de Bages, però caldria que la gent que viu en altres indrets per on passa el riu i que coneixen el camins i corriols millor que ningú, fessin la seva proposta de tram.
Es pot fer una crida a que la gent faci arribar una proposta de tram i fer així el millor recorregut complert de tot el riu ?


Burunda said...

Buenas Jordi:
Me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de saber las visitas totales a todas las rutas publicadas y descargas realizadas.

Burunda said...
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Jordi Lopez Ramot said...

Hola Burunda, pues por ahora las estadísticas están a nivel de ruta individual, pero tomo nota de tu sugerencia y vamos a trabajar en añadir este dato acumulado al perfil de cada autor.

Muchas gracias